
我們那時候是想去ayuttaya,結果定行程的時候沒講清楚,去的那天才發現我們去的是ㄧ個叫做ancient city的奇怪地方,根本不是去ayuttaya,那個地方就是把ㄧ整個泰國古蹟用水泥蓋在同個區域,有點像是教學園區(根本就是泰國的九族文化村那個意思),而且如果導遊很爛,對泰國文化歷史不熟悉,根本沒辦法做好的介紹,總之就是ㄧ整個爛行程。

但是在介紹裡面,園長寫了ㄧ段話,看了超有感覺的,我覺得把園區介紹寫的非常有哲理真的不簡單,好像在妳要去之前,把妳的心tone到ㄧ個他要妳去的方向,然後才準備好了要去吸收文化,就會有不同的收穫(可是ancient city真的太爛了,我還是沒什麼收穫),因為我在網路上沒辦法找到這段話,只好自己慢慢打,然後把我覺得很不錯的話highlight起來給大家看,雖然我的時間應該用來趕headhunterㄧ直逼我交出來的履歷表,而且這篇文章真的很長,可是我覺得對我來說很有收穫所以想跟大家分享,英文看不懂得可以用翻譯軟體讀喔。


Ancient cities, ruins or architecture and historic and constitute the splendors of the past. The past is the time, gone by, and its period represents a definite portion of time fixed by events occuring in the nature of man-made in history, which follow one after another. The difference is that one precededs the other as the manner of the sun and the moon, which take turns to give brightness to provide, days, months, and years. All phenomena have no point of beginning that can be clearly seen. There is a rotation - each following the other in regular order in a cycle. The effect of today follows the cause of yesterday. The change of tomorrow is what happens today. Therefore, man must know the events of the past. If we have no knowledge of the past, it is somewhat like a vessel without a compass and a rudder on the high sea. What will happen to that vessel is a matter of grave concern.

Moreover, great harm is erived from ignorance, but more harm is still caused by not knowing truly and yet pretending to know. The result is sure to be ruinous. In ancient as well as in present times, the successes and failures in innumerable causes result from such cause. True knowledge in art requires the time to study pass and encouter many difficulties in bringin the unknown to light.

Nowadays evertying seems to become narrower and narrower. A tiny thing, which occurs in one small corner of the world, may be able to stir all over the globe. Thus I am perturbed by the anxiety that the changing of the modern society, due to pressure of material things coupled with the present East and West cultures facing each other in a violent manner, might become still more serious. All the intellectuals or pundits should take the special notice on these events matter. Even those who hold their own bibles as their refuge for centuries have to leave their beliefs and turn to consider matters which they think antagonistic.

I strongly believe that the morality of the world population is deteriorating. And the same time I cannot deny the advancement of science that is so valuable to mankind, incomparable in any era. We, Asians, believe that the scientific approach can bring knowledge to human beings. But it cannot elevate the spirit of man. It has only paved the way for materialists in their search for worldly happiness.  

Everything has to depend on the suitable position, night nucleus and right time. The suitable position means the position that is rightly appropriate. The nucleus means growth under limitation. The right time means the needed environment at the time. If heaven needs something to remain, it will not develop beyond the limitation of growth. This is the state of balance according to the law of nauture.

Suitability and beauty have no boundary in age. This can be proven by the existence of art, paintings, and architecture that were beautifully created by man as lasting treasures and have been handed down to us by our ancestors. Every piece of art is pricesless. Some have become world treasures and adored by art lovers. They seem to have no nationality, no religion, no limit in time. Only art has bestowed the refreshing spirit on human beings up to the present day. Therefore, we should give more serious thought and interest to art.

It is not only Art that has been given to us by our forbears. One must mention Culture here also. Both are linked as a national heritage. Some have been left without care, or in other words to be carved for by nature, and worse still destroyed by the hand of man. Though culture has been regarded as old fashioned, yet it is still suitable for human society.

Under the circumstances, I would like to draw the attention to the world population to come to witness our art, customs, and culture. I believes certain that in one day or another they will benefit the noble spirit and will be a good reminder to those who are drawn to materialism. Thus the "Ancient City" has been created. This may remedy for existing moral deterioration of human society. But wheather or not, this great problem can be solved and can achieve its aim, and who will solve it, my answer is that it will not be an individual but everybody together. It is not a matter of time from morn till night. It is to be months, years , and even centuries. There is an old saying that "To build a hill, a lump of earth has its own value." This can be compared with a traveller. Each step contributes and has its own value. To complete the building of one hill, it has to depend on the first lump of earth. To reach the end of the journey, it has to depend on first step.

If my own motto is not consonant with those who uphold that the present society is right and should advance its course further, I am compelled to implore them to do justice to what justice is. Seek goodness from the thing that we hate; seek badness from the one you love, in order that these can be in evidence to help judging the Thai art, customs, and culture of old; and whether thay are as valuable as I judge them to be.

What will be the result?
I leave it to Heaven to ordain.


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